
PACTO launches a course with 8 meetings that promotes changes in conversations between people and within organizations through Non-Violent Communication.

Transforming the way we talk transforms relationships and environments

Taking care of conversations is something very important for organizational life. While the act of talking is trivial for each of us, it is also common for certain conversations to inspire discomfort and fear, which push us to the limits of our emotions and which require us to be able to handle tensions and conflicts. Regenerative Conversations is a training process aimed at encouraging and enabling people and teams to produce quality conversations and lighter, healthier and more productive environments
“In talking we build our reality with the other”

– Humberto Maturana, Chilean biologist

We believe that



Talking is caring

Why don’t we open up quality spaces for conversations in our culture? What is the relationship between conversational quality and regenerative culture? Why is it so common to avoid tensions and perceive ourselves without resources to deal with conflicts?


There are conversations and conversations

What is chatting and what is not chatting? What is my intention when talking to the other? How does the relationship between our concerns relate to our emotions? How can we differentiate between what we need and how we prefer to have what we need?


Emotions drive speech and listening

What is emotional literacy? How can we better understand our feelings and what impact does this have on our conversations? How can we better manage our feelings rather than being driven by them?


Listen to understand

Empathy or Sympathy? What are the types of listening? How can we prepare for a conversation? What strategies can we use throughout a conversation to sustain the quality of the dialogue? How to create spaces to sustain conversations? What resources can support me in a difficult conversation?


Lead authoritatively without being overbearing

Why deal with conflicts? How to build a support network? How to hear and say difficult messages without losing the center and purpose of the conversation? When should we reflect back on what we’re hearing and why can this make all the difference in a sensitive conversation?


Difficult conversations call for support

How to build win-win relationships? How to take care of our limits and needs, without it being necessary to neglect the limits and needs of others? How to build paths of cooperation with a more assertive reading of reality?


Ask clearly and authentically

How to avoid communication noise by differentiating requests from requirements? What is behind the “no” received in response to the formulated request? How can we expand the repertoire of strategies to meet our shared needs? How to build possible paths, through agreements and limits?


To start over, you have to finish well.

Why is it important to end cycles by reflecting on advances and challenges? How to recognize the contribution of each one effectively, with clarity and assertiveness? How can we learn from experience and evolve our relationships, the quality of collaboration and the power of our work?

Regenerative conversations improve organizations

8 <br>Online meetings

Online meetings

2h30 duration live on the Zoom platform
Learning pills

Learning pills

Asynchronous activities between meetings with videos and texts
Extra support
Implementation partners

Implementation partners

Formation of trios for mutual support in the implementation in your work environment

We offer a practical and in-depth journey

Our methodology starts from recognizing each participant’s repertoire of conversations. Next, we use techniques that help expand the possibilities for dialogue. ‍Experiencing situations close to reality, through the simulation of conversations and case studies, promotes the reformulation of standards. E Reflecting on the experience favors the incorporation of a new organizational culture. Finally, celebrating advances shows the careful and conscious dynamics with which cycles must be closed. From sowing to harvest, a watchful eye to energize new beginnings
Non-Violent Communication is the main reference of the training although we also carry other schools such as Conflict Mediation and Restorative Processes.

Group 3

quintas - 8:00 às 10:30

Meeting 1 - 02/03

Meeting 2 - 09/03

Meeting 3 - 16/03

Meeting 4 - 23/03

Meeting 5 - 30/03

Meeting 6 - 06/04

Meeting 7 - 13/04

Meeting 8 - 20/04

Applications open

Group 4

quintas - 8:00 às 10:30

Meeting 1 - 27/04

Meeting 2 - 04/05

Meeting 3 - 11/05

Meeting 4 - 18/05

Meeting 5 - 25/05

Meeting 6 - 01/06

Meeting 7 - 15/06

Meeting 8 - 22/06

Applications open


(value per participant)

Lot 1

for registrations until 01/31

R$ 1800 Individuals
R$ 2200 Legal Entities

Lot 2

for registrations until 02/24

R$ 1900 Individuals
R$ 2300 Legal Entities

Lot 3

R$ 2000 Individuals
R$ 2300 Legal Entities

If you do not have availability on these dates or if you have any questions, please contact us.
Language gives meaning to who we are

What we value defines us

Our new systemic view of the world calls for the collective construction of honest, committed, and integral narratives. From courageous dialogues, anchored in genuine needs and feelings, which take human conscience into account.
In an interconnected life, we affect and are affected continuously, in a spiral. Being kind to each other and to ourselves makes environments warm and bonds respectful, increasing our potential for collaborative expression.
Talking is an act of care. Genuine speech and listening are capable of reducing risks and damage in organizations. To make us see the cycles. The middle. The other. Who we are. To promote mutual security. Coexistence. This is the great paradigm of the present day!
May our work in the world collaborate with the formation of regenerative leaders, who do not use the word as a form of power, control, obedience. But to establish horizontal relationships and expand a culture of respect for life beyond the walls of organizations.

About Us

Cris Chiófalo

Graduated in Communication and Arts from the University of São Paulo, she acts as a conflict mediator and specialist in coexistence technologies in the light of Non-Violent Communication and Restorative Processes. A partner at Pacto, she is dedicated to supporting and developing organizations in their coexistence dynamics and in the quality of conversations. She specializes in hosting difficult conversations for the evolution of organizations, in addition to leading training processes to support the transformation of a culture that is more at the service of life, based on dialogue and the principles of non-violence.

Raylla Andrade

Graduated in psychology from University of São Paulo, she works to encourage better dialogues in different contexts, from couples and teams mediation to workshops and lectures for large audiences. She was HR manager until 2015 and, since then, has been dedicated to the implementation of Non-Violent Communication in different organizations, in addition to being a professor in MBAs at FIA/USP and USP/Esalq.

Kaio Gameleira

Graduating in Public Policy Management from the University of São Paulo (USP), he received a Scientific Initiation scholarship from CNPq studying the theme of education for ethnic-racial relations. He is the author of 5 book chapters that discuss topics such as education, peripheries, popular courses, ethnic-racial relations and research projects and university extension. He currently works as an Administrative Assistant at PACTO.
Pacto has guided its actions for 20 years in search of regenerative practices, institutions and environments, in which inequalities are recognized and reduced, rights are guaranteed, democracy is strengthened and well-being is a reality for all.

